6th Edition
The Riders
Jayne Symes
My Destination Guernsey
Shona Sarre & Teresa Dowinton
Victoria Symes
My Destination Guernsey
James Chamberlin
Simon Golland
MSD International
Alisdair Milroy
Blenheim Fiduciary Group
Lee Hulse
Jessica & John Curran
Jim Chandler
Medical Specialist Group
Martin Parker
Lloyds TSB Offshore
Simon Hancock
Brendan Clouston
Tim Loveridge
Roy Romeril
Guernsey College of F.E.
Andrea Nightingale
Dr Nick King
Ellen Hughes
Nicola Telcik
Gemma Brouard
Paul Olliver
LLK Consulting Ltd
Richard Johns
LLoyds TSB Offshore
Caitlin Bowie
Sarah Day
Peter Ward
Tania King
Nigel Jones
James Bean
Heritage Insurance
Jane Ashworth
Richard Lord
Sustainable Guernsey
Colin Peters
Lloyds TSB Offshore
Matt Davis
Ben Byrom
Richard Saunders
Butterfield Bank
Lydia Bleasdale
Catriona Teasdale
Beau Sejour Swin School
Rupert Dorey
Chamber of Commerce
Simon Chapman
Guernsey Prison
Debbie McLaughlin
Belinda Festivo
Pierre & Jacqui Paul
Dave Smart
Guernsey Electricity
Martin Proudlove-Gains
Sarah Petit
Chris Vine
Carol Anne & Tom Stapely
Susan Eckhardt
Jo Huxtable
Nathalie Chandler
Jani Burwood
Créme Anglaise
Steve O’Connor